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Nov/Dec 2009
Volume 30, Issue 9

From the Editors

Louis F. Rose, DDS, MD; John C. Kois, DMD, MSD

Dear Readers,

The rich tapestry of Compendium is woven by the thought leaders, professors, and private practitioners who write and review articles. We have been deeply honored by the participation of this comprehensive consortium that makes this highly esteemed journal what it is today. Without this group of talented individuals, we could not have elevated the journal to the impressive new heights it has achieved in the past year.

Every time you open an issue of Compendium, you have surely noticed the high caliber of articles written by the finest minds in dentistry today. Each article we select has been through a meticulous, comprehensive process of double-blind peer reviews. We are indebted to the fine work, dedication, and passion that our editorial board invests in these manuscripts.We believe we could not be crafting the journal we have today without them.

Compendium continues to be one of the premier journals in the profession, and we expect to achieve new heights this upcoming year, playing an indispensible role in who you are as a dentist. We provide opportunities for your continuing education credits, supply the information to enhance your repertoire of skills, help you move your practice forward, foster your understanding of the oral-systemic conditions, broaden your knowledge about dental products, and offer cutting-edge science.

We invite you to be a part of Compendium by e-mailing We look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions.


Louis F. Rose, DDS, MD
Private Practice
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

John C. Kois, DMD, MSD
Private Practice
Tacoma, Washington

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