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Inside Dentistry
December 2015
Volume 11, Issue 12

Ceramir C&B Bioceramic Cement

A cement to stimulate apatite growth and close margins

Jack D. Griffin, Jr., DMD

Ceramir C&B cement is a revolutionary luting material that invented its own category of materials: Nanostructurally Integrating Bioceramic (NIB). It is the most bio-friendly, apatite stimulating, tolerant, antimicrobial, easy-to-clean-up cement in modern dental materials.1 Research shows its ability to induce apatite crystal formation at the margins, which results in gap closure.2

Zirconia has taken a large market share and one of its major advantages is that it is strong enough for simple cementation without the need for complex and technique-sensitive adhesive resin luting.3,4 Ceramir C&B is a non-resin cement containing calcium aluminate. The material forms nano-sized crystals of katoite and gibbsite that penetrate both the crown substrate and natural tooth structure at the nano-level. It is the surface energy of the interlocking crystals that give it excellent retention. As a result of the natural integration with zirconia (and other high-strength ceramics and metal) without the need for etching, priming, bonding, or conditioning, it greatly improves office efficiency. About 3 minutes after mixing, the material peels off in a rubbery consistency with extremely low patient sensitivity and high restoration retention.

Ceramir C&B is ideal for cementing implant crowns because of its retention to zirconia, other high-strength ceramics, and metal restorations, as well as easy clean-up and tissue-friendly composition. It also combats peri-implantitis because of the simple clean-up, antimicrobial properties, and ability to see it on radiographs.

When scoring a crown to be removed, it often becomes difficult to tell if one is drilling on tooth, cement, or the restoration. Ceramir’s white color is easy to see and when removing a crown, may prevent inadvertent drilling on dentin.

What truly separates Ceramir from all other cements is the high level of patient satisfaction. This material has much less sensitivity than other cements on the market and has no foul taste. For office efficiency, restoration longevity, and patient pleasure, Ceramir C&B is revolutionary in the luting world.


1. Jefferies SR, Pameijer CH, Appleby DC, et al. A bioactive dental luting cement—its retentive properties and 3-year clinical findings. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2013;34(spec no 1):2-9.

2. Jefferies SR, Fuller AE, Boston DW. Preliminary evidence that bioactive cements occlude artificial marginal gaps. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2015;27(3):155-166.

3. Vargas MA, Bergeron C, Diaz-Arnold A. Cementing all-ceramic restorations: recommendations for success. J Am Dent Assoc. 2011; 142 (suppl):20S-24S.

4. Thompson JY, Stoner BR, Piascik JR, Smith R. Adhesion/cementation to zirconia and other non-silicate ceramics: where are we now? Dent Mater. 2011; 27(1):71-82.

For more information, contact:
Doxa Dental

About the Author

Jack D. Griffin, Jr., DMD, is in private practice in Eureka, Missouri. He was awarded diplomate status with the American Board of Aesthetic Dentistry, accreditation with the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, and mastership in the Academy of General Dentistry.

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